Dawson City – Cradle of the Klondike Goldrush

Dawson City – Cradle of the Klondike Goldrush

The cradle of the legendary Klondike Goldrush

Only minutes fromDawson City lies the historic Discovery Claim from where the first gold find went out to bring hundreds of thousands adventurers up north, to follow the call of the wild. Most of them found struggle & hardship instead of riches & fame.  But, until today there’s gold to find in the North and so a lot of gold claims are still active around Dawson City making substantial profits. You want to try? Grab your own pan and drive out to  “Free Claim #6”, where everyone can try his luck.

I did try my luck on a guided goldfields tour out of Dawson and hey, it’s really not that easy to correctly stir a goldpan. Pretty heavy beast. But, a few flakes did stay in my pan and I was allowed to keep my own little Yukon Gold find.

Showgirls and a dried, frozen toe

Until today shows at Diamond Tooth Gerties Saloon sweeten the Dawson City evenings and you can loose some or win some at the Roulette and Black Jack tables – just like the old golddiggers did. Most tourists also stop at the bar of the Downtown Hotel – home to the infamous “Sourtoe Cocktail”. A gruesome drink that combines Schnapps with a – real – salt dried human toe.

You have to drink the booze, while only touching the toe with you lips. That’s how you earn a certificate, or – if you also swallow the toe – have to pay a hefty fine. Nope, not doing it – not for money nor fame. I was the one taking photos of my travel companions doing the deed. They said later, that the booze was way uglier to drink, than to touch the toe with their lips. Just thinking about it, makes my – pun intended – toenails curl.

Panoramic view over the Klondike

A sight seeing must is a drive up to the Midnight Dome. On clear days you have an amazing view over Dawson City and the Klondike merging into the mighty Yukon river.

During summer, a ferry takes cars, trucks, camper vans and passengers over the mighty Yukon. When winter comes and freezes the river, an “Ice Bridge” leads over to the other side.

The “Top-of-the-World” Highway – a summer only road over mountain passes and ridges offers panoramic views towards Alaska and at Tok meets the legendary Alaska Highway.

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